I’M 19 And Guys Only Want To Have Sex With Me And Destroying My Confidence And Self Esteem
Hello I’m 19 years old going to starting college next year. And I use to get bullied for how long my nose was. But now I’m older I grew into my looks, kinda and people compliment me by telling me I’m pretty and etc. And I was never the type to hop around with guys or talk to a bunch of guys, I am shy and some what anti social around people. During my freshman year I started talking to this guy and he would talk to me everyday; so In my junior year I had sex with him ( lost my virginity) but our relationship came to a end when he cheated and said we wasn’t in a relationship but he loved me. And I am a teenager whose never been in a serious relationship out the public all my relationship have been on low and didn’t last for 2 weeks because guys pressure me for sex or sexual things. And I know I shouldn’t worry about looking for someone but I do dream of
Someone being in love with me and not ashamed to let people know we are together. And one boy told me I was only good for sex and nothing else. And guys treat me like it. I only had sex with one person
But I just wanted to know what are some reasons guys would only keep me in dark and things why would I be disrespected like this