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Rice Pudding

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rockyracoon | 19:00 Tue 08th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I saw some raspberry flavoured rice pudding on the telly over Christmas, and thought, I’ll give that a whirl. What’s not to like, raspberrries, rice pudding.....

Well, I’ve just pulled it out of the oven and it’s absolutely rank. Not the lush fuschia hue that I was after, but more a dirty grey pink with curdled milk at the top. What a waste of 4 pints of milk :0)


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Literally I just make rice pudding normally and wang a load of neat Ribena in it to taste. Et Voila! Simples! x
Ahh. I'd put fresh raspberries in after it came out the oven. :-)
I'd do the same as patsy.
Or heat fresh berries very gently with some honey, or demarara sugar so a syrup develops. Add lots of vanilla essence to the rice pudding and use some cream along with the full fat milk.
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I’ll try the Ribena one, though I’ve got bogstandard blackcurrant indoors. D’ya reckon that would work.

Aye Patsy. You live and learn :)
Isn't Ribena blackcurrants?
Togo, frog spawn was tapioca surely ?
Tapioca...… so it was. Slithered down like Frog Spawn, and looked like it.
Give it a bash, my culinary adventures know no limits or make much sense, but the Ribena one is certainly nice, so no reason the other shouldn't be I imagine, if it's all blackcurranty. Let me know. goes a nice shade of pink :)
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I’ll let you know tomorrow :)
I looked up tinned raspberries, and three brands had the raspberries canned in grape juice.

It might be that, even if well-drained, the raspberries used would have still retained some grape juice, and that may have been enough to curdle the milk, especially while it was all heating up in the oven.

It might be better in future to do what was suggested earlier, and stir in some fresh raspberries at the end, or better still, some raspberry coulis with a few fresh ones.

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