Pizza in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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jennyjoan | 18:10 Fri 08th Feb 2019 | Food & Drink
22 Answers
Just recently I have bought a 10" pizza from the pizza places - just a few - barely nothing on them - definitely not the worth the money

However got one made in a supermarket that had 5 massive toppings - too much for me.

The assistant suggested cutting in half and freeze - a good idea - but what should I do - cook the whole pizza then freeze half or cut in half now and freeze. thanks
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I wouldn't want a twice-cooked pizza: cut now, cook half at a time. Plenty of pineapple, as advised.
I think she's already cooked and scoffed the lot

We bought two pizzas from a supermarket the other week
Her indoors remarked to me that the lady was putting a lot of toppings on

Indeed when we cooked them there was too much toppings on when we began to eat them

Anyway as to this question of pineapple or not - of course it goes without saying -you gotta have pineapple , I thought everybody knew that

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