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Magpas Quiz

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maggiebee | 11:17 Wed 03rd Apr 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
The Magpas Quiz - Black or White. Doesn't close until June so plenty of time.
Not asking for help, just wondering how folks who are doing this one are getting on? I've come to a complete halt but will put aside for a week or so then have another look.


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Always challenging quizzes these, that's what I do - put it aside and keep going back.
Hi like you I have come to a standstill but only need 10 so will keep struggling on it helps to leave it for a while and then go back
Love the MAGPAS quizzes. I'm down to just one on the Black or White quiz, and I just can't find the answer anywhere.
That's excellent, I often send them in unfinished, but still love going them.

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Magpas Quiz

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