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Another Bank Holiday

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Tashi | 17:50 Fri 03rd May 2019 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

Hi, just home for the start of another Bank Holiday weekend.
Six of us here for the duration, Baldric, Mrs B, Myself and Sister Ana, long term guest Nat and her friend Nisha.
Whatever the weather we are going to have a great time, we always do.
Anyone have anything exciting lined up?


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Tilly, both probably :-)
The very one Tilly. :-)
I wonder who the 'Herne Valide Sultan' is?
The calm before the storm here- both figuratively and literally- huge thunderstorms due tomorrow, Sunday's supposed to be fine so will spend it with our lovely friend, other than that same old same old :) x
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They do not think tomorrow is going to be too good here, cold start for one, shopping is all done, including booze so we will cope, dogs might miss a walk, they have got the garden, they will survive.
Working all weekend keeping the public fed and watered or is that needed!! Enjoy!!
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Ok at the moment, just about to sort out sleeping arrangements, no big deal, it is Dave and Kate downstairs, Nat and Nisha downstairs, do not see my Sis very often so we are sharing, going to have a good gossip, and why not.
Your pic is on Shutterstock, found ya! Are you a model then?

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