Hey, whenever i eat dairy foods cheese/yogurt/milk etc i get a really really bad bubbly tummy and it is very uncomfortable as i can feel the air bubbling up and down inside my tummy making strange noises and making me feel bloated. I was wondering if anyone knows why i get this? do i have a dairy intolerance or anything or is it normal? I havent been to the doctors as i thought maybe its common and happens with everyone? Any comment would be appreciated :)
A good friend of mine has a dary intolerence, she gets terrible migraines. It was confirmed for her when she went to an alternative therapy practitioner but I think there is a pretty standard test that your GP can do.
my friend had that feelin and turn out she had samonela (excuse my spelling) and wasnt allowed 2 eat and dairy products 4 2 months... definatley go to the doctors tho'...even if it is for them 2 confirm it is common ... hope it helps x