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How Much Effort......

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banker_frank | 09:32 Wed 10th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
should an individual put into not offending others both online conversation and those interactions in real life?


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What do you mean 'put into'?
No effort at all. You're either a nasty, vindictive nob or you're not.

If you are, it comes naturally
Oh! Ha ha. Apologies. I read that totally wrong.
But some people are just too easily offended.
i take exception to that ummmm :-)
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not sure how 'put into' can't be understood.

'The effort I put into being nice to that sales assistant was a waste of time.'
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This is the subject of the question. Some people are constantly offended and look for offence, others let things go or don't take things seriously. At what point, if at all, should we disregard protocols and just tell it like it is?
Maybe you should have used the word 'effort'

Forget's in the header
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Yes, its in the title, I put it there (smiley face)
That may well answer the question. :-)
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Moderation of ones thoughts Douglas is sometimes a necessary requite rather than a choice.

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How Much Effort......

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