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Mags22 | 09:04 Thu 17th Oct 2019 | Gardening
3 Answers
I didn't remove the corms when I cut back my dead plant several weeks ago and now find I have 3" of fresh growth. Should I carefully dig them up and pot them and keep indoors? I know covering them will only force growth so that's the only way I think I can keep them frost free . Thank you for any advice.


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I think it depends where you live but I keep my dahlias in all year round (South West). I'd just ignore this new growth as it will get frosted off anyway and certainly won't be the basis for strong plants coming up next year.
09:12 Thu 17th Oct 2019
I think it depends where you live but I keep my dahlias in all year round (South West). I'd just ignore this new growth as it will get frosted off anyway and certainly won't be the basis for strong plants coming up next year.
I’ve left mine in last few years S E Wales.
Do you have the name of the Dahlia you have ?. It would seem that some varieties are more hardy than others and you may be able to leave the tubers in the ground and as an extra insurance policy add a thick mulch of organic matter on the soil surface.
"Go ahead, make my dahlia" ;-)

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