After suffering from shingles fairly recently, I still get some pain, and an itching burning feeling that comes and goes.
My GP prescribes Gabapentin, two, three times a day.
I would like to know if anybody has a suggestion for some topical cream or lotion that might also help.
Also, how long will this go on?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
With my fingers firmly crossed - mine seems to have gone now. It lasted a good 3 - 4 months and flared up a bit the first Winter, but all that was a good 18 months ago. I didn't find anything to ease it, but like an idiot I did not ask a chemist. You have my sympathy - and my assurance that it will stop eventually. As soon as I was 70 this year (literally 70 + 3 days) I went to be vaccinated against the horrible disease.
I hope you can. I asked and was refused. You definitely cannot be vaccinated within 6 months. of symptoms disappearing - or so I was told. I spent a year almost running away from sick-looking children.
Had shingles on right collarbone two years ago, still often get the itch and numbness but without the pain, I asked my GP and he said it could be that a couple of nerves hadn’t fully recovered and gave me Aveeno cream which doe the job