I grew up in a home where the kitchen clock was always five minutes fast and to some extent I have continued the practise myself.
The car clock is always 4 minutes fast and the bedside alarm is five minutes fast, but for the sanity of my OH the clock he looks at is always correct!
Who else keeps a few minutes up their sleeve for when they need them?
sanmac - // I have seven antique mechanical clocks and some of them strike and chime while some just strike. They are all set about four minutes apart so that they all don't sound at the same time. //
You'd expect the whole of Dark Side Of The Moon to follow if they did!
Mr BD put our new kitchen clock up above the door and its a pain to change it twice a year so last time we left it alone and said it would be right again in sx months. We got used to it and so you can imagine our faces when we got back from holiday mid October to be told by our son that the battery had died while we were away and he had climbed up and put a new one in, and oh by the way I've put the time right for you as well. Thanks son.