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Following Tango Feeling Unwell

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planeman | 18:16 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Brain Game 9 down Following Tango feeling unwell

I believe the answer to be LOCO. There is a symphony Orchestra conducted

by Rey Burns named TANGO LOCO based in Florida Therefore LOCO follows

TANGO and LOCO being "Unwell" Do you agree?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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That sounds logical thank you.
No, the clue is surely for TAILING ('tango' = T, 'feeling unwell' = AILING), definition = 'Following').
Question Author
Sorry to disappoint spoffy but the answers to 6a is
ApocaLypse 15a is EnClave therefore the answer to
9d is LoCo
the parsing of loco seems altogether too obscure for the brain games crossword, i think there's a setter's error

The expected entry may well be LOCO, but it isn't the answer to the clue 'Following tango feeling unwell', for which the solution is TAILING.
tailing is the answer to another clue 'with sharp smell about, i left one following'
...then I suspect that at some point in the editorial process the wrong clue has been replaced, leaving two clues for TAILING and no clue for the L?C? solution.

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Following Tango Feeling Unwell

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