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Why Is This Low Life Out Of Jail?

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ToraToraTora | 11:51 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | News
37 Answers
so 2 die for state incompetence.


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Terrorists should not be put in prison. They should be removed from society ,full stop. He should have been hung or given a lethal injection years ago . But instead he was put away in prison and after attending all the appropriate courses for rehabilitation somehow managed to convince the authorities that he was a reformed person. Rubbish!! He was released after serving about half his sentence and now innocent people have died and no doubt if he hadn't been shot he would have been taken back to prison. Our penal system is too soft when it comes to punishing terrorists. I doubt whether any of them can be rehabilitated. It's ironic that no -one seems to give a damn that he was shot dead but mention capital punishment and a whole host of people are immediately up in arms saying how wrong that is. Those innocent victims would have been alive had he been disposed of all those years ago.
wholeheartedly agree...
I'm ^^^glad that someone does.
I agree with you 100% ,it’s getting the snowflakes in Parliament to is the problem Andres
Well,^^^ at least Boris did say earlier that ,'things will have to change', with regard to the current sentencing. Not holding my breath though.
I think he’d do a darn sight more that his opposite number Andres
true ^^^
Hmmm. Surely the people that monitor him, if they were monitoring him yesterday, would have known he'd been given permission (by them??) to go on this course in London and therefore would have been where he was expected to be. No??
// Ms Abbott has been doing the Maffs. Leftie liberal have a lot to answer for //

I applaud your extraordinary attempt to deflect blame to Labour.
But Conservative Theresa May was in charge of the Home Office when this terrible decision was made.
And Rudd/Javid released him onto the streets.

This tragedy was on the Tories watch, and they are wholly to blame.
Then it's down to them to fix it.
Gromit, //This tragedy was on the Tories watch, and they are wholly to blame.//

Wholly only insofar as they failed to reassess stupidly liberal laws brought in by the previous Labour governments.

//2003 - The Criminal Justice Act meant most offenders would be automatically released halfway through sentences, but the most "dangerous" would have their cases looked at by a Parole Board. Sentences with no fixed end point, called Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP), were also introduced.

2008 - Criminal Justice and Immigration Act removed review process by Parole Boards, meaning more offenders were released automatically halfway through sentences. Judges could still hand down life sentences or IPPs for dangerous offenders.//

Hopefully Boris will address that at a matter of urgency. Vote Boris, Gromit. ;o
I would also hazard a guess that the European Court may also feature in the decision for an early release. I hope I’m wrong. Perhaps NJ can explain if they have any influence on parole decisions.
I have just read that Yvette Cooper ( Labour) demanded to know why he was released early. Ms Patel replied,’Because legislation brought in by your government in 2008 meant that dangerous terrorists had to automatically be released after half their jail term.!The Tories changed the law in 2012 but Khan was convicted before this.
The PM has stated he will change Human Rights Law which played a part in this tragedy.
The ‘right to private life’ restrains security on their surveillance and monitoring. Corbyn wishes to give more powers to H.R. lawyers.
The reasons for his release are complex. No mention of Euro Court’s involvement:
London Bridge: Why was the attacker, Usman Khan, out of prison?
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released under the automatic early release law enacted by Labour in 2008 enough said!
The trouble with that BBC link, which I'd already read, is that it doesn't answer it's own question. It still seems that he was let out before half his sentence had been served. (And the main issue seems to be the squashing the previous protection of the public sentence to replace it with something more lenient.) If the authorities can't monitor those they've released early then they should stop releasing them early, especially since they seem unable to guarentee their opinion that the criminal has given up their immoral attitude.
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Gromit: "This tragedy was on the Tories watch, and they are wholly to blame. " - once again you demonstrate your support for Labour. It was their law made in 2008, simple. For a non labour supporter you don't arf attack the Tories a lot.

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