A Prayer
Dear Lord, this year to save time being lost
remind me- Turkey, Christmas Eve- defrost.
And when it's in the oven, leave no doubt
that I forgot to take the giblets out.
Five loaves, two fishes you fed five thousand,
may I feed six with far less food to hand
since each year bags of food we buy a few
the wheelie bin eats better than we do.
You love little children, what joy they bring,
for me, as tranquilizer, Scotch is king.
I pray , Lord, as I open my gift box
I look pleased with my snowman themed socks.
Please let me use only the choicest words
when queueing for pork pies and vegan dregs,
at that efffing awful Greggs *.
We thank you for the gift of soggy Brussels sprouts
and hinged windows to let the odours out.
Peace keeper may I be as it gets late
and nobody offers to wash the plates.
Above all, Lord, may I remember who
this season is about, and I don't think it's you.