I've received a couple of bunches of flowers recently with a strange looking flower in them. The head of it reminds me of a cabbage - it's really not that nice. It's obviously stuck in there to fill it out.
To make it worse it stinks to high heaven. If the flowers are starting to wilt after a few days I've got to get them out immediately because of this one! What on earth is it? I hadn't even seen it before recently.
Lovely in beds and tubs throughout the winter as a plant; not very becoming in a bouquet. https://www.shutterstock.com/search/ornamental+cabbage?kw=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzID7oeee5gIVRbTtCh3YwAyGEAAYASAAEgJt-PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
And flowers are meant to smell nice. I don't know if you've ever put your nose near one of these after it's been in a vase for 2 or 3 days, but it's truly unpleasant lol.
Ornamental cabbage have become common in flower bouquets these days, to pad-out the bunch and add some colour.
The down side is, the stink of rotting cabbage!