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Labour Says They Will Make An End To Austerity

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emmie | 07:35 Mon 09th Dec 2019 | News
69 Answers
in the first 100 days, do you believe them>


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some of it, but there were endless strikes, country coming to a halt whenever the unions sounded their bells. Not good
He will not have to move the money as the financiers, etc., will have already made plans to move it themselves if Labour win. I understand why the Labour Party came into being and I understand why the Marxist party came into being in Russia but do we need them (the Marxists) here in this country?
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LJ no we don't, they have an idea that anyone with a bit of capital is a died in the wool Tory, which just isn't so.
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i have got tired of this idea that if you have 10 grand in the bank, you should give half to the Labour government
there is a good piece, if i can find it of a billionaire speaking with john McDonnell..
Yes read that the other day and another piece somewhere saying very much the same thing. Between us OH and I could probably manage to find that amount (10 grand) but we are not rich and it's not a fortune but a bit of a hedge for us in our old age. We now have to pay to get things done that we once did ourselves.
The last Labour government left note on the PM's desk, saying 'There's no money' because they had wasted billions of our money. How can you trust them again?
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you can't boaty, you just can't..
My point exactly emmie.

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