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Have You Ever #3

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Blake_Wildfong | 22:23 Thu 23rd Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Have you ever got up to get ready for work, only to remember.. you either don't have work that day, or you don't have a job?


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I once went to work between Christmas and new year to find that office staff didn’t have to turn in. It was my first ever job.
have jumped out of bed a few times - dreading doing the ablutions, then makeup only to realise with GLEE - I'm retired. Beautiful feeling
Woken up at my desk a time or two.
In the depths of dark winter I looked at the alarm clock and saw it was just turned 8, an hour and a half late, jumped out of bed, into clothes, into the car and started to drive to work. Luckily the roads were very quite, a bit too quite, looked at the car clock, it had just turn 4! I'd seen the alarm clock through a water glass and a 3 had become 8.
Woken up a few times, wondering what day it is and going back to sleep when I realised it is the weekend. Nowadays I don't care as I've retired.

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Have You Ever #3

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