ah but what is truth ( NT Pilate I think - no answer as it was end of chapter)
I thought that the series had been cut short NOT by royal command but that the third series was not a good seller
the kings peumonectomy was sort of true - Clarence Thomas used to take out lungs and say "You're cured!" and the gratefu; patient danced home and died. they didnt have the scene where CT says Mr Smith his doughty houseman " Mr SMith will you suture the chest?"
and mr Smith protests " Sir, this is the King!"
CT replies - I havent sutured a chest for 20 y and I have no intention of practising on the King of England.
The crown series adviser was an MP 1956 then and advised against the Suez adventure ( a 'camel') and was slung out of the cabinet and party
Dorothy MacMillan ( "I am a one-man woman" but not Mac - Lord Boothby who er fancied men more than Dodo. Friend of the Krays) is rather sympathetically portrayed.
I think I have written this before
Mac loses his job - because he has a prostate operation and the people of England believe that this is caused by satyriasis. That is where a mature man madly and immoderately chases young ladies and er kisses them
Yup and I think Aberfan was true - the Queen didnt do disasters because she cdnt get to everyone SOOOOOOO - - - there wd be queenie disasters and 'others' ( not enough dead kids) and they didnt want to get into that bidding war