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Last Tango In Halifax

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FoxLee2 | 12:44 Fri 28th Feb 2020 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers
What did you think of the first episode of the new series? I was looking forward to it but found it very dull. The characters seemed to have changed a lot in the leap forward seven years and where has the gentle humour gone?


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I didn't like it as much as the earlier episodes, it's lost it's gentleness and shows sign of developing into a version of Corrie or Eastenders, lots of social problems.
Yes it was a bit uncomfortable to watch but probably a reasonable portrayal of a marriage 7 years on with two mature folk who are getting set in their ways. To continue with the euphoria of how they were before might have been a bit unbelievable. But I do hope he doesn't get too henpecked!
Seven years? I thought it was four....five at most.
Still, people and situations do change over time.
I think it said 7 in the preview gingebee.
i loved it be honest it.
let us hope their relationship lasts..
Sorry, rosie, but.......(from Radio Times).....
"seven years into their marriage" and
"it's nearly four years since we visited West Yorkshire for LTIH".
A shadow of its former self. Will watch episode 2 but if it doesn't improve then will give it the big Zap.
I got fed up and stopped watching half way through the last series
barry I must agree. It seemed to taper off towards the end of the last series and is now on life support...
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That makes it even worse if it's only about 3 years since we last saw them. He is unbelievably henpecked and it's hard to see what he found attractive in her.
In the first episode ever, we learned that the two had fancied each other rotten in the 50's. Neither expressed their true feelings and it was too late once Celia and her family moved away from the area. They are re-united on Facebook and realise that they feel just the same about each other. He will, no doubt, be seeing as she was then though the novelty is beginning to wear off for both.
"seeing her as she was....."

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Last Tango In Halifax

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