I have 8 big supermarkets within a 3 mile radius of me, 2x Aldi. 2x Asda, 2x Morrisons, 1 X Sainsbury, 1 x Tesco. just out of curiosity have driven to them all for a ride in the sunshine and to see the amount of panic buying, and yep there's lots of empty shelves, and folk coming out with trolley loads. Everywhere I've gone is like a Saturday, car parks full. The very sad thing I saw everywhere is older people who do they shopping on a Monday seem to be wondering round in a daze, and not getting the things they have come for. Shocking!!
It also at the moment seems to me that supermarkets are making the most of it, I can only talk of my area, only Aldi have put a notice up saying that you can only have 4 items of whatever your shopping for, it really does need government intervention right now!
No no no teacake is the angel here putting themselves at risk of CV by going to 8 supermarkets not to panic buy of course but for fun and so they can let us know what the shopping situ is.
In our Sainsburys (which is rubbish at keeping it's shelves stocked at the best of times) all of the meat counters were empty. What's that all about? Is everyone panic buying meat to make meat pies for the freezer (with all of the flour they have bought as those shelves were empty too). It's ridiculous.
Not too bad down here in deepest Cornwall, then we only have two cases and none for the better part of a week now. Devon on the other hand....but what does one expect of a county that doesn't know how to eat a scone, jam and cream as in the 'proper job'?
Asda in Falmouth has the only supermarket to have been really rampaged, the others that I have seen reasonably stocked.