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Lockdown Question

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catswhiskas | 11:23 Mon 23rd Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
My husband and I are self isolating as we are in the vulnerable group, we cannot get a supermarket delivery for love nor money, or even click and collect , so how do we get our shopping ?


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If you need advice or information on money, care or health, call 0800 678 1602. We’re open 8am to 7pm, every day of the year.
11:31 Mon 23rd Mar 2020
have you asked around about local help groups? Facebook is a good place to start, or phone age concern or your local council
have you spoken to friends, family, neighbours who may be able to help. Are you pensioners or at risk as such because Age UK are helping people who are vulnerable
I have just spent a week constantly looking
for a space for an online shop as i have osteoarthritis
so cannot get to the shops. I finally after leaving the sainsburys website open got a slot and delivery.
it did take me a week to get it, and the main hassle is that sainsburys telephone lines are down.. I keep on getting repeat message from BT saying try later.
if you can call Age UK see if they can help

If you need advice or information on money, care or health, call 0800 678 1602. We’re open 8am to 7pm, every day of the year.
that is Age UK number, worth a try
I would also imagine that your local council will have a list of organisations which may b able to help you.
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Thanks emmie, cannot get into Sainsburys as we dont have a shopping voucher and they are not issuing any more at this time, forgot to say we do not live near any family and all our friends are also old.
woofgang, we will look at the age concern, I think the council may have shut...I am on fb but am worried about asking strangers.
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Thank you age concern number
why do you need a shopping voucher?
also you could phone sainsburys, that is if you can get through. 0800 328 1700
they are Age UK>
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emmie, we have not done an online shop for a long time , looked at sainsburys and others , they say if you dont have a delivery voucher they cannot help and are not making new ones yet
i have been phoning Sainsburys since 8 this morning and still can;t get through.
Also have a look on line to see if you have a local site called Nextdoor followed by your town or village name. They are getting together local groups of people willing to help out.
perhaps they mean delivery pass, i pay 60 quid per annum for one which means i get my delivery 7 days a week..7am to 11pm . that was the case before the virus hit........
Keep trying the online supermarkets. The situation is extremely fluid, and a website which is down one morning might be up by the afternoon.

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