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tiggerblue10 | 12:04 Thu 16th Apr 2020 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
I've only ever suffered with hayfever once in my life as far as I know, and that was a few years back.

I've had a mild sore throat for the last few days and slightly blocked and runny nose. No other symptoms. Could this be hayfever? As a non-sufferer, is there any reason why I could have it now?



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I get the same as you Woofgang. My ears have felt all blocked too..
It was funny this morning, as I was pegging washing out, I heard neighbour the doors away, sneezing his head off in garden, then I started!
It's really bad this year. I strongly recommend Sterimar salt water nasal spray for allergies. It washes out your nose and throat. I have found it better than any other spray treatment.
I get a dry nose and throat too like Woofy and have sneezing fits so the allergy pills make it worse. I have a constant sore throat and dry cough too. The inside of my nose is sore and bleeding slightly now after using a prescribed steroid nasal spray.
And blocked ears!!
another vote for sterimar. If my ears (sinuses) do block then I use Beconase but only once.
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My ears feel a bit blocked too. And the dizziness I had a couple of weeks ago is also back.
Yep dizziness too. Sterimar has helped but make sure you get the right one. There is one for blocked noses too.
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Will look into that. Hope Tesco pharmacy does it.

Cheers all
I've got some Sterimar Cold Defence. I wonder if that would help.

Just looked on Amazon.... User Recommendation
That,s the stuff Pasta. It washes all the nasties out of your nasal tubes. I might even help a little to protect against covid. Who knows?
Every little counts.. :))
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I read that vit D is immune boosting.
It high doses.
I use a spray by BetterYou.
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I have to take supplements. I had a severe deficiency last year.

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