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Have Twitface Etc Unwittingly Become Publishers?

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ToraToraTora | 22:35 Thu 28th May 2020 | News
60 Answers
....looks like their recent actions against the US president could well backfire. Oh dear, about time these cess pits were reigned in.


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I don’t think the link went to an actual fact check. It went to an opinion piece possibly by CNN, who Twitter gets their facts checks from. And the evidence does suggest there is voter fraud when blanket mail in ballots are sent out to dead people. Thousands of ballots have been found in piles by dumpsters and gathering dust waiting for someone to Nick them.

But hay, let’s not allow CNN ‘fact check’ that twitter uses to allow the truth out.

Twitter is no longer a platform and tbh they have shown great political bias for at least four years so it is about time they were given a kick up the backside.

Trump is not saying Twitter should be banned or shut down or even that they have to agree with him. He is saying as a platform they shouldn’t use their political bias, edit, ban, shadow or hide views they disagree with. He is saying they should lose their platform status that protects them from the law.

Change their status and they can be as biased as they like. They just have to take the consequences.
Trump is not forced to post on Twitter. Perhaps the reason he does is that Twitter has given him a great platform for over 11 years, for free, and even given him special treatment not afforded to other users. In that respect, they were biased towards him. Now he is being treated the same as any other user. That's a change in bias, from a bias towards him, to equal treatment. But of course he sees it differently.
//Perhaps the reason he does is that Twitter has given him a great platform for over 11 years, for free, and even given him special treatment not afforded to other users.//

yeah BA to ellipsy - trump has used twitter as a flame thrower for four years and has got ditsy because it has called time
// Twitter is no longer a platform//...... for calm discussion and cool policy making - fair balanced and just .....

hey where ya been forda last four years baby!
twitter from the president - - go next door and let me feel your credentials!

(*) please note this post has not be checked for accuracy, grammar, sarcasm, origine or idiocy)
For future reference, lefties, you can believe anything I tell you.
If I say he was removed, he was removed.
"They removed him once" is very different from "a disgruntled employee removed him as an act of spite on their last day".

No it isn't. He was I said.
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I see no problem for the president. He should stop using sites like twitter , .
Like I say, it is a clear and obvious difference between a disgruntled soon-to-be ex-employee removing him and the company as a whole doing so. Feel free to draw a false equivalence between the two but you said "they removed him once", which is clearly misleading.

We never have moderators overstepping the mark on AB ...
Your arrogance is starting to overtake your sense with that one Spice.

A disgruntled employee deleting an account for a few minutes is no more "Twitter deletes Trump account" than a disgruntled employed spitting into the burger mix is "McDonalds sell tainted Big Macs".

It may be right technically, but it's not something that the company did deliberately, as insinuated.
// No it isn't. He was I said.//

if he were removed and then came back - I dont think he was removed
only my opinion

[generated by a work disciplinary where the words - - "we are continuing" could be construed as "we have stopped". ever the bridge-builder as ABers know that I am, I said they could take that view but they really then had to let the accused worker off - [not lettoff as in fire but let off as inback to work]
You're the one adding imaginary insinuations.
Sometimes in this life you just have to accept that others know more than you, Mozz. In your case it's going to happen a lot.
//Sometimes in this life you just have to accept that others know more than you, Mozz. In your case it's going to happen a lot.//

Oh, it does. Just not you mate.
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In what sense is adding a link to an article that contradicts and, indeed, refutes something you say "censorship"?

Moreover, having enjoyed the freedom to abuse Twitter as his personal soapbox for over a decade, it's more than a little precious of Turmp to get so hurt when finally they call him out on just a little of his BS and he decides to abuse Presidential powers in response.

What is, perhaps, the most disappointing about this is that Twitter decided to take no action on a far more egregious tweet of Trump's, one where he suggested without evidence that Joe Scarborough was involved in the death of Lori Klausutis. That truly was disgusting, especially as Klausutis's widower asked Twitter specifically to take action, and especially as Trump ignored that same message and refused to withdraw his libellous and disgusting comments.
You believe she jogged into his office, tripped, and hit her head on his desk?
Perhaps she did. Aren't you risking more arrogant egg on your face if he's found guilty of killing her?
Her own widower has asked -- begged -- people to shut up about this stupid conspiracy. Go and tell him that he doesn't know how his wife died.

It's a stupid and meaningless conspiracy with no basis whatsoever and with no respect at all for the people concerned.

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