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Had The Most Amazing Day

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Bobbisox1 | 18:04 Sat 30th May 2020 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
The sun shone hot and we celebrated my daughters and son in laws 25 years of marriage with a garden meal
They’ve overcome a premature birth ( 24 weeks) and he’s a big healthy near 16 yr old now, my daughter survived breast cancer 5.5 years ago ( all clear ) then C-19 at the beginning of the pandemic
To say we are proud parents is an understatement
So happy and content


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You normally find the ones that are reading the riot act to everyone else at every opportunity, banging on about beach goers and so forth are the ones that are breaking the law themselves, but refuse to see it. Now me, I've not taken a blind bit of notice from the beginning and have made it known, rather than butter wouldn't melt in my mouth.
10:36 Sun 31st May 2020
What a happy post....put a smile on my face despite not knowing you or your family at all. I hope that all continues to go well for you and your family for many years to come.....
Thassa girl! :o)
I'm quite sure I haven't misread Teacake's post..... :-)
I'm glad you had a good time :-). Well deserved, by the sound of it x I have had my granddaughter over for a few days, so her mum can work, while I am off... x
We could have met up with our family this weekend but didn't as we wanted to stick by the rules.
well judging by your previous posts you were happy to meet up with every other family on your tales by the riverbank so why be so sanctimonious now?
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And your daughter/ son would be available, especially for an occasion like a SW, anyway, who the hell cares what either you of your nemesis does, not me!
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Hi Gness,I’m not sure how you interpreted TCs post, no matter , alls well and I really did enjoy my day :0)
Retrocop - please do NOT confuse me with Teacake - I haven't been on any long walks or picnics etc

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