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Tashi | 10:59 Sat 27th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Nice lie in again, now in kitchen with toast, coffee and papers, nice. It's warm, but not that bright at the moment.


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In case there is any misunderstanding, my post at 12.44 was/is supposed to be friendly:=)
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No problem LB :o)
It seems that even the most harmless of threads are being dragged down. Too many misunderstandings, sarky comments, name it. Lately I feel there is no escape...and sometimes I'd like some light-hearted conversation that doesn't involve celebrity names, or similar.
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Agreed Pasta, there are a number of people on this Site who appear not to have lives of their own, and don't like it when they come across someone who does.
Oh tashi/baldric that is the funniest thing I have read in ages!
Thank you Tashi.
Pasta I agree with your comment about too many threads being dragged down and sarky comments. Seems some people just come on here to cause trouble and disruption.
The only thing that annoyed me on this thread was the disdain that LIK's gentle humour was treated with - and as for not not having lives of their own - well that is hilarious.
I wholeheartedly agree mamya
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Mamya, did you not understand my post at 1426?
In fairness Mamya, Tashi did apologise. After the barrage she got yesterday, it's hardly surprising she was a little on edge.

Best we all start over again maybe?
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Just back from walking the dogs and the big fella, he needs the exercise :o) Thanks for that Mozz.
Think the two Ronnies were the best double act ever.
Oh I don't know, Gully. You and Diddly are a hard act to follow ;-)
Ladybird//Seems some people just come on here to cause trouble and disruption. //

I agree. If a poster comes on AB with multiple accounts (against the rules) pretending to be different characters, they should just be ignored.
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Gulliver, don't waste your limited intelligence, apart from this as a one-off you are a complete nonentity.
APG, that's hilarious coming from you. Surely this must be your 30th if not 40th incarnation...
And what / where is the proof that a poster has multiple accounts or identities? What if their behaviour is otherwise impeccable? Ignoring those who contribute in a positive way seems unnecessarily rude.
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Crikey! These wooden spoons are becoming very transparent. Wearing thin I suppose.

Hiya Tash. Enjoy your day.
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Hi Retro, welcome to my thread :o)

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