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Nay37 | 13:07 Sun 05th Jul 2020 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
What do you do when someone you've really connected with ghosts you out of the blue.
I met this guy at work and we got along so well right from the start. I just felt so comfortable with him and could just be my self and I felt we'd known each other for much longer than we had. He felt the same. At the time he had a gf and I had a bf we both have kids within those relationships. Anyway we got really close didn't do anything but kiss. After a couple of months he broke up with his gf (nothing to do with me) and left the company and moved back to his home town which is about an hour's drive away. We stayed in contact and he would come up and see me when he could. We became friends with benefits. I fell for him big time. He said he felt the same. We kept sorta seeing each other for a few months. Then Covid happened and he said he was taking his kids to his cousins for a couple of weeks and he would try to stay in touch, but then I didn't hear from him again. It's been 4months since we last spoke. Have no idea what's I did or said to cause this. Not been ghosted before.


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Is 'Ghosted' the new snowflake term for being dumped/ ignored?
APG, I guess it is, although I'm not keen on your way of putting it.
It's an urban dictionary thing.

Must admit I'd heard of it but never knew the actual meaning until recently.
APG, a bit more than that. You are ghosted when a very good friend or lover suddenly cuts you out of their life, blocks you on social media, refuses to take your calls and ignores your texts/letters/knocking at the door in a screaming hysteric meltdown without telling you that you are dumped. No explanation, no 'nice knowing you but goodbye', no hissy fit or flounce. It's a coward's way.
Thanks Barry -like I said -dumped/ignored. Don't know of any nice way to put it to be honest.
APG; it was your lazy use of the term snowflake. Are you a wrinkly?
Athiest could you give me an example of an energetic use of snowflake? Are you a Gammon?

APG I don't fully understand your question, but I gather you disapprove of lazy sterotype terms - that's good. Namaste.
APG, by lazy I meant that you were using a well-worn cliche that you presumed would click with your sort of people. I'm sure you knew what I meant; but I must admit that I like a girl who plays dumb and coy (Who, me sir? But I'm just a simple home-town girl.) I'd better stop this flirty talk; I'm becoming a bad boy. A la prochaine, avec politesse.
LOL! Namaste back to you .

APG, btw, is this Athiest thing a result of some kind of takeover by your phone, or is it deliberate on your and several other people's part?
Thank you APG. I hope we're still friends. I don't think I'd like to be your enemy. We're well off the OP! I hope that Nay gets over this episode. Best wishes, Nay.
just move on
there are others out there
that's an uncharacteristically transparent post from you pp, are you ok?

Some people have used pottery classes to resolve similar situations.

Maybe straddle that wheel and see what manifests?
// that's an uncharacteristically transparent post from you pp, are you ok?//

bit hung over to be honest - had frenz over for lunch

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