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Tls Crossword 1335 - Last 2

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KathG | 14:59 Mon 20th Jul 2020 | Crosswords
4 Answers
and of course they intersect, having the last letter in common. 27a is English to wit, doubly embraced by Wells, surprisingly a Nobel prize winner (4,6). I have _L_E/_I_S_ _. I can't parse this at all, other than the second word could conceivably be Wilson, since the US President of that name won a Nobel peace prize. 24d is drop back in some English language classes (4) and I have _S_ _ . Any help much appreciated.


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27a Elie Wiesel - 'E(nglish)' + 'ie' (x2 to wit, in) anag 'Wells'
24d ESOL - 'lose' (back) - 'English (for) S(peakers of) O(ther) L(anguages)'
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Thank you so much, Lie-in King.
You're welcome, Kath :-)

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Tls Crossword 1335 - Last 2

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