Theland - // Virtually every post of mine is an invitation for some kind of mockery akin to the playground. Childish. //
Then maybe you should take a good look at what you post, and think about why that is.
// What are you after? //
Unlike you, absolutely nothing. I could never respond to one of your endless posts about religion ever again and not lose a moment's sleep about it.
You are the one constantly posting, asking endless questions and not liking the answers, being rude to people who challenge you, ignoring simple advice about respect and being rude all over again.
You just don;t see it do you - you are your own problem, you create the friction, you are rude to people, you scoff at beleifs others than your own.
I have told you this endless times and its clear that, like all devout Christians, your entire ethos is all transmit and no receive.
// You don't believe? Fair enough. //
As if! You couldn;t stop challenging none-believers if your life depended on it. You are here every day like a cracked record. If you don;t enjoy debating, and you don;t unless you think it is on your terms and your terms alone, then try something else. Fly a kite, learn to knit, bake a cake, just take a day off from being so relentlessly confrontational / martyred.
// Do you have a vested interest in attacking believers? //
No - but you have a vested interest in attacking non-believers, you are on here every day doing just that.
The conversations rarely get beyond the banal, rather boring and says a lot about your egos.