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Nice Picture Of A Fine Gentleman

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Canary42 | 22:55 Wed 19th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

An official portrait of Captain Sir Tom Moore has been unveiled at the National Army Museum in London. The oil painting was created by artist Alexander Chamberlin.


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yeah I thought it was good
There's a clearer image on the artist's website:

Brilliant, well deserved, a good man.
He has really captured the character of this fine Gentleman, brilliant.
the arteests are always a bit anal about what it will cost
Lovely. A fantastic portrait of a fantastic man.
So well deserved
That is a lovely portrait of a wonderful man.
a fine portrait of a fine man
That is an excellent portrait. He should do one of the Queen next.
Wow, imagine being able to paint like that. Absolutely marvellous. Love this elderly man.

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Nice Picture Of A Fine Gentleman

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