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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:46 Sun 11th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
Sunday. Still dark, can't see any stars. Not a good omen! Nothing planned for today, but the day is young. A couple of phone calls to make and that's the moment!
Coffee pot full, everything else done. Time to relax. I'll see how long that lasts!
Have a happy day everyone.


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how lovely Eve... hope this Covid business is not affecting the estate
does sound lovely, i must admit.. very rarely have i been round stately homes, but do watch some programmes that feature them, very grand
Good morning everybody
emmie why are you not sure about eBay site?
Morning paddy
Morning eve - I live on a similar country estate but don't work there, the house is a state of dilapidation unfortunately though open for events such as a recent antiques fair that attracted >2k people over 2 days. Here's the house....
Morning Tony, Paddy......
morning Paddy

don't know why, i bid on a similar bag and lost out, but have bought one bag already so system does work. i am not a very trusting person to be honest....
Morning Johnny too.....
morning Paddy xx
Right I will say cheerio for today and go and get some shopping once I get dressed.
bye Tony xx take care !
time for me to get on... see you later folks xx
bye Tony, Minty, have a safe day....
A late good morning all! Beautiful sunshine in Manchester, but chilly. Cemetery for me later too .. just visiting! ;0)
I'll go & see my brother first.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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