Eye Laser Treatment in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Eye Laser Treatment

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jennyjoan | 09:04 Thu 15th Oct 2020 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
I would love really to be free of glasses. I have only been wearing them permanently for the last maybe 10-12 years. Prior to that I only used to have to wear them when reading.

I have thought on and off re laser treatment, what do I need to look for ie like the best clinic or any other advice would be helpful in my making a decision. Thanks.
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I was always short-sighted and hated having to wear glasses for driving.
About 15 years ago, in my early forties, the optician said that if I had both eyes lasered I would probably need glasses for reading. He recommended just having one eye lasered for distance vision.
It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. It took a couple of days to adjust but then my eyes “sorted themselves out” and whichever eye needed to do the most work just took over.
I have never worn glasses since.
Fantastic solution for me (plus the benefit of only half the cost!)
My sister in Arizona had hers done six or seven years ago. All fine.except that they will need re doing as age has weakened them slowly again.
I'm thinking of having mine done. I've always been short sighted and have worn contact lenses since the age of 20 but now can't wear them and need varifocals which cost a fortune and I still have to lift them to read small print. I would be very interested in any recommendations for private clinics.
^ Moorfields. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my eyes.
Looked into that -four hours away from us by car, but worth thinking about when covid restrictions are eased. Thanks.
Julian Stevens is the man.
My son had his done about 12 years ago .. he wore glasses that were really thick and had one eye much worse than the other. Wearing specs meant he couldn't do the things he wanted to. He searched for the most expensive laser treatment, hoping it would be the best. It came with lifetime warranty.
When he had his eyes done he could see much better instantly. He told the doctor he could see the seconds hand, on a clock on the wall.. before the surgery he thought it was a picture.
Now his party trick is being able to read the numbers on a barcode from 3 metres away !
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