Has anyone done this? I bought a couple more than I need. I'd like to roast then freeze. Do they end up watery? I'd be adding them to casseroles or curry.
Pasta they freeze really well. I'm the only one in the house who likes them, and often swop them out for pasta for myself when I do lasagne or spag. bol. Slice then spray with oil of choice and grill each side until golden. cool completely then freeze between waxed paper. Best used in cooked dishes and you don't need to defrost if you are making a layered dish. Never tried making baba ghanoush with frozen ones though.
Thank you...the voice of experience from both of you.
I adore them...hated them as a child unless buried under mozzarella and tomato sauce. I think they tasted earthier then.
They’re one of the very few foods I really can’t take to. I find the smell off putting, a bit of an odd oily smell to me, and the texture is so slimy.
I wish I did like them but having tried them, often, I’ve given up.