Pride Of Britain Awards Tonight. in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Pride Of Britain Awards Tonight.

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Georgiesmum | 00:00 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
Did anyone else watch the Pride Of Britain Awards tonight? I really enjoyed it..There were some truly inspirational stories on it..
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes, I thought it was well presented considering they had to change how they did it.
As you say, truly inspirational stories.
Sorry but for some reason I really dont like the program.
The gushing celebs put me off, don't watch it.
Me neither.
I watched as I usually do but was transfixed by Carol Vorderman's bazookas and tiny waist, very reminiscent of Dolly Parton, she looked as if she'd had a bicycle pump to them :0))))
i get too upset when watching it, so don't
Arh I wiped my eyes a lot , had a headache when I got up with that :0(
I have never watched it. I just don't like that sort of programme or Carol Vorderman. I believe she has had a bottom transplant too, Bobbie :o).
I have only watched clips, some amazing people - found Rebecca Beattie's story very moving and courageous. She was obviously thrilled to be surprised by Prince Charles.

From what I saw Carol looked fab.
I was more taken by the little boy who was severely abused by his natural parents that his legs needed amputated , his hero is Captain Tom and he emulated him walking for the hospital who saved his life raising a lot of money, Bless him and his devoted adopted family
A bottom transplant ? Oh wow, I wonder if I could have a reduction Apc haha
Carol Vordeman looked anything but fab. She looked like Barbies grand-mother.
Hehe APG, I'm glad you said that :0)))))
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My honest opinion of Carol Vorderman dress was I thought it looked very very unnatural and a bit like she was trussed up like a chicken! I bet she said ahhh when she took it off. she had such a teeny tiny waist.
It was like she was trussed up with a lace up bodice and with the breast enhancement,she looked odd
Ms Vorderman has been an attractive woman who seems to be taking increasingly bizarre measures to fend of the inevitable signs of ageing naturally - which is entirely her choice of course.

Personally, I avoid watching her if at all possible, not only because of her appearance, but because when she speaks she sounds like a cat sliding down a blackboard, and her foghorn laugh is the trademark of someone with no sense of humour who is unsure if they should be laughing or not, because they don't recognise what is funny and what isn't.
I thought Carol looked strange too. I thought she was going to take off, it looked like she had balloons stuffed up her top lol
Exactly fairlight, I realise she'd had the Botox on her face done but the boobs looked to big for her frame

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