Do non voters have the right to moan? I overheard a conversation today where someone was bemoaningUK gov's handling of covid. Then in same conversation they mentioned that they never vote in any elections.
Do you think that if you don't vote you should keep schtuum?
Not every country has universal suffrage like we do. It's a hard-won right and we forfeit it at our peril.
Every adult has the right to have their say in electing the person who will represent them in parliament. Anyone who chooses not to exercise this is not entitled to complain about the result.
Peopelhere have a right to moan about Trumps policys or Chinas human right's even tho we can not vote in there elections, so a don't see why you shouldnt moan here about are goverment to if you dont vote. And what about 17 year olds they should still have a right to winge. Besides some peopel know there vote is wasted so dont bother, for example Voting Tory in most seats in Wales or Scotland is a waste of time
Everyone has the right to moan. Withholding one's vote is a democratic right. No one should be forced to support a candidate for whom they have no desire. The very concept is ludicrous.
Bob, you may have a right to moan, but if you don't vote you are giving up your right to take part in the world you live in. It's annoying for people who do bother to vote to hear idiots who can't be bothered to vote but can be bothered to moan on the internet. Grow up; you're not a teenager any more.
Better to turn up and spoil your ballot paper (eg writing "None of the above" on it) than stay at home and register your displeasure indistinguishably from the apathetic.
well (clearly) I disagree. it annoys me when people go on about suffrage as I don't think women died for me to be able to vote - they died so that I could have the same rights as men. Which includes the right not to vote.