> The interesting question is, after all this dissection, where is the 'soul' where is consciousness?
> In Buddhist philosophy one could take any material object, anything - say a bike, completely dismantle it to all its constituent components: wheels, spokes, tyres, chains, cables, bearings etc. right down to the absolute smallest parts, then lay them all out on the ground & regard them.
/////No need to call this lady * a fat cow *. ////
I agree,a poor standard of comment.
She was clearly a volunteer, it was probably her big chance in life and was determined to obey her orders.
Yes her attitude did need shining up, but we have all had days like that especially when one is dealing with the public.
Should I return after my demise,I would like to come back as a traffic warden where I could rain havoc amongst the car owners of my beat.