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Bobby Ball Tribute

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grumpy01 | 18:58 Mon 16th Nov 2020 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Anybody watch this yesterday?Fame didn’t appear to spoil him and him and Tommy Cannon seemed really good friends which isn’t always the case in duo’s.


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On what channel was it shown?
I didn't see it. How did they deal with the early stuff which was seriously racist by today's standards?

Also, didn't they go through long periods of not speaking to each other, other than professionally?
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It was ITV,no mention was made of that JimF.Presumably as a tribute it wouldn’t be.
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Apparently this was between 1983-1986 when Bobby began drinking.Apparently in the following years both became born again Christian’s and were reconciled.
I had the pleasure of teaching both his children - one of them was in my form - and I will always remember him as a very caring parent.
He had 2 sons and a daughter
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I would imagine that he was.
I didn't see it, but I did see one of their old shows which was aired on TV the other day. I watched it all with a big smile on my face, it brought back happy memories. Saw them live several times back in the day.
Aww I've just read that mourners wore red braces in his memory at his funeral.

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