Law1 min ago
Is Devolution A Disaster?
176 Answers
I agree Tora, her hatred of the English is there for people to see and comes through our tv screens like talons
09:33 Tue 17th Nov 2020
ROY, I didn't say you made up the quotes. I found only the second one in Google Books but it doesn't say when he made the statement. The page with the notes giving those details us not available to view.
That is the only hit I could find with the that quote. You might have a different source and I am interested to know when he made his remarks.
That is the only hit I could find with the that quote. You might have a different source and I am interested to know when he made his remarks.
I've just posted this on gullivers meaningless, unnecessary, thread.
https:/ / ance24. com/en/ europe/ 2020111 7-polan d-hunga ry-veto -eu-bud get-ove r-new-r ules-li nking-f unding- to-rule -of-law
Everything the EU does is to take away sovereignty from member nations (usually with bribery). If Scotland is ok with this then fine...but stop pretending you will be independent.
It is getting further and further away from what it was set up for.
Everything the EU does is to take away sovereignty from member nations (usually with bribery). If Scotland is ok with this then fine...but stop pretending you will be independent.
It is getting further and further away from what it was set up for.
Emmie: "if they were remotely allowed to join the club that is the EUSSR, what currency do they have, because it sure as hell won't be the Euro. " - if they left the UK they could still use the pound or indeed any currency but they'd have no control over it at all. There are many countries that simply use the dollar for example. If they they did join the EUSSR they'd be forced to have the Euro and no doubt they'd have to build a border. How would that chime with the population in the borders area?
roy; "Everything the EU does is to take away sovereignty from member nations (usually with bribery). If Scotland is ok with this then fine...but stop pretending you will be independent. " - bang on, it's only their hatred of England that drives this folly, not common sense. The EUSSR will Tub cuf them on prime time, if they want that it can only mean that being attached to England is abhorrent to them.
Anyway,the next IndyRef vote wont be for a while now.Alec Salmond said"once in a lifetime",seventy years?-Nicola Sturgeon said"once in a generation",twenty one years(unless you come from Coatbridge,when it comes down to thirteen years).So we are looking at 2035 at the earliest.Live with it Nationalists.If it is worth having,it is worth waiting for.