Just seen in the news a restaurant in London.. my pet hate ( well one of them). The staff putting chairs on tables when restaurant is closed, particularly the part of the chair where you park your behind. This is so unhygienic! Then put the chair down, put your bum on it, and serve food on the table! Why is this allowed? Elf and safety and all that .... rant over.
But the table is dirty from the seat part of the chair ! I wouldn’t want my your dinner served on a table that four people have sat on ! Who knows where their dirty jeans have been ??!
It's always been practice in bars and restaurants so the floor can be cleaned properly. When you set up the n ext day the tables should all be wiped as a matter of course
I assumed that the tables were cleaned when the chairs are taken off. I have always hated going into a restaurant where the clean cutlery is laid out on the table and then the server comes along and puts a menu which has been handled by goodness knows how many people on top of the clean cutlery.
I never give it a thought really as people's behinds are not usually as germ riddled as other more exposed parts of heir bodies. Be more cautious with the door handles and the tops of the chairs than the seats on the table.