Asda always do box of about a dozen small pizzas at this time of year, I always buy one and pop it in the freezer. Love pizza! I also buy the mince pies with icing on the tops, love those as well ..
All of December I allow myself 'Calgary Coffee' as we call it -Baileys used instead of cream in coffee. I call it this cos all the office workers in Calgary would drink gallons of the stuff, all year round!
We have Goose at Christmas, which I suppose is a luxury, but apart from this we don't eat or drink anything we would not eat at any other time of the year if it was available.
I detest After Eights but I adore Ferrero Rocher. I had been gifted a box of After Eights. I knew that under the Christmas tree was a little box of Ferrero Rocher someone had left for my daughter. Very distinctive box.
I opened the After Eights, carefully unwrapped her gift, took out the Ferrero Rocher, ate them and popped the the After Eights into the FR box and re-wrapped it.
She was puzzled.