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exarmy448 | 11:47 Wed 23rd Dec 2020 | News
89 Answers
Whenever Boris appears on TV to talk about Brexit he always refers to the EU as 'our friends'.
When will he realise that the French and Germans have never been , or ever likely to be 'our friends'.
The latest evidence of this the French President making political gain over the latest Covid set back.
Throughout the EU's dealing with Brexit negotiations they have been out to screw the UK for everything they can. Friends do not do that.
Boris, stop calling them our friends, because friends they are not.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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//To much of Europe and the world Brexit - if we want to mention that - looked like us starting an argument in an empty room,..// That's for two reasons. Ikky: Most Europeans have a different psyche to us and they cannot understand why anybody would not want to participate in the wonderful "European Project." They don't understand that the majority of the...
13:20 Wed 23rd Dec 2020
Their doing what Tesco did years ago, stack it high and sell it cheap. Tesco got greedy. :0)
no idea Teacake, i don;t shop there.
"A bit off the subject"

No harm in that. The subject is a bit bonkers :-)
Then again ...
A tin of Heinz veg soup, average price £1, Aldi veg soup 29p/33p per tin. I could list hundreds that's just an idea of how we in Britain get ripped of by our supermarkets.
its not bonkers to those who feel strongly that our ties with our nearest neighbours isn;t one of best friends. Our poster should have come back and perhaps put his further thoughts.
May be he or she has gone to work now emmie,? and will view later.
Fundamentally the first part of the question was answered in the first couple of replies.
The rest is the bunkers bit
maybe teacake - see your new thread about
bunkers ?

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