Backing up Favourites in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Backing up Favourites

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alancohen | 18:38 Fri 26th Jan 2001 | Technology
4 Answers
Is there a way of backing up my 'favourite websites' list? (AOL and Explorer 5) If my computer crashed I'd hate to have to dig them all out again. Besides, I'd like to keep them on a floppy for when I'm using someone else's PC.
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The favourites folder is located in the windows directory. Highlight it and right click, the send to 3� floppy.
Explorer 5 I can help with, I'm unsure about AOL... On the menu bar, click File>Import and Export... This takes you to a wizard that if you select 'export favourites' will talk you through changing your favourites list into an file that you can browse like a web page (an HTML file). It also allows you to import these files, so you can borrow someone else's links.
Why don't u use an online utility such as clickmarks.com or blink.com, which is an online copy of all your favourites. You can export and import from your existing favourites list, as well as synchronising between the locally and online held list of bookmarks. the advantage to this is that you can then just connect to the internet from any computer in the world and access your favourites online. :o)

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