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Keep Your Eye On Prince Philip

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royfromaus | 18:56 Sat 16th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
To see if he starts walking with a camp swagger.


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It doesn't seem to affect fertile imaginations at least.
i think the 80+ yo who are currently receiving probably wont worry too much
Nailit. You do know how long research into a vaccine against a Corona Virus has been going on for don't you?
It didn't start ten months ago.
And as for the Rabbi...well, imagine no religion... bliss.... :-)
//i think the 80+ yo who are currently receiving probably wont worry too much//
What about when it gets down to the younger generations though, who it WILL affect?
(If true of course)
//Nailit. You do know how long research into a vaccine against a Corona Virus has been going on for don't you?//
Just throwing this out there for discussion.
And if you are interested, Nailit. It wasn't just the research that was already done. The vaccine was ready and waiting to be tweaked for the specific Corona Virus that would come. What was needed was money to move things on and suddenly the money was there.
If you really are interested, and you do seem to want to know things, just look at the history of the Oxford vaccine.
There's so much crap out there, nailit - forget 99% of it. Work on coronas has been going on for a while (after all why is the latest covid numbered 19? - Sars etc etc). If you haven't seen it, there was a Panorama documentary about three to four weeks ago on how the current vaccine was developed and it's a remarkable story in that Oxford Uni picked up on the possibility of a problem coming in December of 19 - and, when it started to break, one of their senior women, a Prof I think, formulated what was the first generation vaccine in a weekend at home literally a year ago and rolled out for initial tests in a couple of weeks. It was only in the last weeks that they discovered that a half-dose followed by a full-dose was more effective and a final tweak lifted its effectiveness to that of the Pfizer and way above the normal flu level (as in 94% vs +/- 75%)....I guess one of the reasons that it took the extra few days to get authority clearance.
If I go down the town after my vaccine Nails, would it be a good idea to whisper to the lovely young ladies, "you're safe with me duck I've had the covid vaccine", and give em a smile and a wink.( typo alert was on full there) :))
As Phil would say, Togo, 'Let the good times roll'.....
Thanks Gness,
As said, just throwing it out there.
Im not a conspiracy theorist but also dont take into view the MSM
Just try to get alternate views on everything.
But must admit, some things dont add up to me.
Happy to admit im wrong...
Hi DT. Stay safe and look after Cornwall for me.
So pleased to read you're not a conspiracy theorist, Nailit. I'd have to add you to the folk I'm Irish Widow Cursing.... ;-). Look that one up!
thanks all
Tony - have just read it lol
Dont want to take away from Roys post.
Rabbi says covid jab makes you gay.

Phillip has just had the jab.
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Just got out of bed, sunk?

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