G&T being imbibed here before our evening meal, literally blows your socks off, tastes nice too.
Anyone having anything interesting for a drinky before dinner this evening?
We did try gin and dubonnet a few years ago, as per The Queen, but didn’t like it at all.
Wrong time of year for G&T - it's a summer drink for me. Wintertime it's Sainsbury's Taste the Difference mulled wine - single glassful, 1 minute in the microwave, add a slice of orange - deelish
David, I literally couldn’t care what you think, dear. Enjoy your lemsip.
Brewdog Gunpowder gin is 57% proof, powerful stuff that it is, not only did it blow my socks off, it blew the roof off our house and half the close...
Ummm, I really dislike milkshakes, yuk and shudder ;)
I love them. Vagus. Mainly strawberry. I put strawberries, strawberry powder, milk, vanilla ice cream.....whiz it up....and drink it like I'm 5 years old.
My other favourite drinks are Coke with loads of ice and UHT milk :-)
Tanqueray No. 10 is 47.3%
Courvoisier is 40%
Grand Marnier 40%
Glen Moray 40%
The Hive 46%
Smirnoff 37.5%
These are the percentages on the labels, which is the only number I can go by Jackdaw.
It’s true Alava, can’t abide hot feet, hang ‘em out the bed in the night. Trust me, you wouldn’t want a photo of my feet...