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School Reunion

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MynameisLuca | 23:02 Fri 19th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
48 Answers

I've never been to one, I don't think I'd attend one if invited.
Has anyone here been to one?


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LOL, thanks Chris ( I aint even gonna try and decipher the moto ) ;-)
"For King, Law and People".
Thanks JD, my mates and I are not to sure about the middle bit though ;-)
I did a few years ago, though it was pure luck that it happened while I was in the country. Interesting (and they were all still nice people). One was working on the CERN Large Hadron Collider; another one had given up being a barrister and was coaching netball instead.
Ablative (following 'pro') of "lex, legis", the Law.
I've been to a couple but only with immediate friends rather than whole school year. We have a WhatsApp group.
Went to one a long time ago. This bloke came up to me and said ‘you used to bully me’. My answer was ‘you probably deserved it’.
I went to one and took some photos with me. All of those present were much younger than me and I didn't see anyone that I knew. A complete waste of space.

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