A couple of months ago I was paying for my shopping at the supermarket and I realised I had left my regular credit card in my shirt pocket at home. Fortunately I had my emergency credit card in my wallet and paid with that. When I got home I made a payment of the amount to set my balance back to £0.
I got my bank statement last month and noticed the payment to my credit card had gone out, and also a Direct Debit for £50 even though I didn’t owe anything. I immediately cancelled the Direct Debit. I didn’t want £50 sitting on my spare card, and I couldn’t see a way of moving back to my bank account. So I went to a machine and drew out my £50.
Just got a credit card statement, and I have been charged £3 for getting my own money out.
The cash withdrawal took my balance to £0 so there shouldn’t be any interest on that. The £3 charge has taken me into debt so there will be interest on that. I have paid the £3 and will pay the few pence interest when I know what it is.
There is always a charge for withdrawing cash on a credit card, even if there is a credit balance. Worth phoning your card company, though, they may choose to cancel the charge.
I had a similar problem with my mortgage years ago. My back used my money to pay somone else's mortgage payment. I got all the money ey back with interest. Plus they cancelled the overdrawn charge.