I am in the TA (teritorial army for those who don't know) I am going on a very tough course in 2 weeks which deprives you of sleep and does the very best to beat you down!!! (promotion course). Is it best to sleep less for the next to weeks and get used to it? or sleep more and be refreshed .... help me
My husband is in the army and if he goes on an exercise like that he uses Pro-plus, you can buy it at the chemist and helps keep him awake. Also, I agree with WM, eat loads of carbs.
Thanks. Wish me luck ... just thrashed all the guys on the selection weekend so now hoping I can do the same on the course. Am not looking forward to it.... pain..lots of pain!
I dont recommend the cereal bars as they have up to 10g of sugar per 100g, so not so good for you after all... sorry Wardy... I do recommend Berocca vits however, but they are effevescent so I dont know if you'll be able to take drinks with you or just down a glass before you start.... I used to live on them working nights from 9pm-6am and then partying on!!!....