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I Dont Know If This Makes Sense

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curousCat | 02:54 Sun 07th Mar 2021 | Family & Relationships
16 Answers
So i have a friend that is gay and i figured out she like me, and i like to mess with her a lot mess with her as in fluster her and just embarrassing her. I don't like her or anything i just like to watch her get all embarrassed because of me. Am i being a bad friend by teasing her like that??


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I think It depends how close you to are but try not to take it to far well that's what I think.
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The rules say give the benefit of the doubt, even though it's patently obvious...
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Me too. 04:20 and I'm wide awake...
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Ozzy you are a very naughty boy
Yes. You seem to have little care about your friend's feelings, and seem to be leading her on for the fun of it. You're a player.
I don't think that you are a friend of hers...I think you just enjoy winding her up and really that is not being a friend. I would not want someone who enjoyed embarrassing me as a friend for example,
I'm convinced you're also gay but, unlike your friend, are too afraid to admit it. Remember the old adage, 'we always hurt the ones we love' :-/
I don't think you could be any kind of a friend, treating her this way, leave her alone.
No, it doesn't make sense.
You are not being a 'bad friend', because you are not a friend -you are a bully.
You sound a bit nasty. Think about how you would feel if some one you liked thought it funny to embarrass you.

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