Law0 min ago
Youtube To Mp3 Converter
12 Answers
I have successfully used AVC for years, but today it's playing up -
It says - Analyzing failed, Unable to download Webpage: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests (Caused by HTTPE error) and it advises me to ensure I have the latest version.
I do - I have re-installed it, but get the same message.
If anyone knows how to fix this, or an alternative reliable free Converter, I would be most grateful - thanks.
It says - Analyzing failed, Unable to download Webpage: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests (Caused by HTTPE error) and it advises me to ensure I have the latest version.
I do - I have re-installed it, but get the same message.
If anyone knows how to fix this, or an alternative reliable free Converter, I would be most grateful - thanks.
To the best of my knowledge, you can't add a website to the taskbar. However you can add it to your bookmarks toolbar in Edge (which Microsoft persists in calling the 'Favorites bar'). If you've not already got that bar showing at the top of your screen, enable it by following these instructions :...
19:24 Tue 31st Mar 2020
I use Firefox with this extension:
https:/ /addons .mozill n-GB/fi refox/a ddon/ea sy-yout ube-vid eo-down load/
It adds a 'Download As' button to any Youtube page
https:/ /addons zilla.n et/user -media/ preview s/full/ 188/188 577.png ?modifi ed=1543 519691
which allows you to choose the file format you want (either video or audio).
It's MP3 functionality theoretically only works if the extension thinks that you've made a donation to the developer. (You can choose any amount you want. I've made several donations over the years). However, if you're stingy, you can get around that simply by clicking on this link for free:
https:/ /videod roid.or g/thank s_for_s upport. html
Doing so gets you a cookie that tricks the extension into believing that you've donated.
It adds a 'Download As' button to any Youtube page
which allows you to choose the file format you want (either video or audio).
It's MP3 functionality theoretically only works if the extension thinks that you've made a donation to the developer. (You can choose any amount you want. I've made several donations over the years). However, if you're stingy, you can get around that simply by clicking on this link for free:
Doing so gets you a cookie that tricks the extension into believing that you've donated.
One of the (many) reasons not to use Edge is that it's got hardly any extensions available for it. Both Firefox and Chrome have got over 100,000 extensions to choose from, whereas Edge has got just 272 (which leaves it in the 'utterly pathetic' class). Unfortunately none of those extensions enable users of Edge to save Youtube videos (either in video or audio format) to their hard drives.
Give these a go
https:/ /www.te chradar .com/uk /best/y outube- to-mp3
or try one of the many online sites that can do the job for you. e.g.
https:/ /youtub etomp3m m/
https:/ /2conv. com/en4 0/youtu be-mp3/
https:/ /ytmp3. cc/en13 /
https:/ /keepvi
Give these a go
or try one of the many online sites that can do the job for you. e.g.
To the best of my knowledge, you can't add a website to the taskbar. However you can add it to your bookmarks toolbar in Edge (which Microsoft persists in calling the 'Favorites bar'). If you've not already got that bar showing at the top of your screen, enable it by following these instructions:
https:/ /suppor t.micro m/en-gb /help/4 028699/ microso ft-edge -see-yo ur-favo rites-b ar
To add a website to the favorites bar, simply drag its 'favicon' (immediately to the left of the web address at the top of your screen) onto the bar.
Alternatively you can put a shortcut to the website onto your desktop. To do so, reduce the size of the Edge window, so that you can see some of the desktop as well. Then drag the favicon onto the desktop.
To add a website to the favorites bar, simply drag its 'favicon' (immediately to the left of the web address at the top of your screen) onto the bar.
Alternatively you can put a shortcut to the website onto your desktop. To do so, reduce the size of the Edge window, so that you can see some of the desktop as well. Then drag the favicon onto the desktop.
I know this is an oldie but some of the options in the response don't seem to work any longer. Personally, the site I am using to downloading YouTube videos as MP3s is https:/ /ytconv erter.a pp/yout ube-to- mp3/. It's free and there are no annoying ads. For downloading MP4s I use https:/ /tubeto . Hope this helps somsone.