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MallyJ | 14:27 Mon 14th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I have often wondered whether a 10 foot (for example) wall, hedge or fence deter burglars from attempting to burgle a house or whether a low wall, hedge or fence would be better as other people can see into the garden and this might make it more dangerous for a burglar to attempt to enter the property. Alternatively would a really tatty outside put thieves off and a lovely one encourage burglars? I have no idea why this came back to my mind but I have never had people to ask before.......thanks


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If you're thinking of a hedge, get a berberis hedge, any height that you like. Berberis is really prickly. When I clip mine, I have to cover my arms and hands, to avoid doing myself an injury.
I would think a high prickly hedge would be a good deterrent, perhaps a Pyracantha. When burglars are shown on tv they seem to shin over high walls and fences with ease.
For the front approach, motion sensor lights if you aren't too near the pavement,sparsely planted garden giving few places to hide and a nice crunchy gravel pah.
Depends why they are robbing your house.
My neighbours always put a sign up by their front door which said BEWARE ROTWEILER INDOORS. They didn’t even have a dog lol
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I am not worried about being burgled...we are of the low wall and bits falling off the front type...I was just wondering if anything attracted thieves..and if anything put them off...thanks for responding.
A thief can be attracted to a house if he can see, through a window, something that attracts his attention. He will then watch the house for a while, to ascertain the occupants' movements, and then he will move in and do his thieving.
A friend of mine had 'Rottweilers live hereo signs up - the only things the burglars took were the Rottweilers.
that's barking mad, Barry.

Hawthorn in the hedges works wonders but you could put the sensors/lights/ alarms in as Mamya suggests so the whole house wakes the neighbourhood up. Seriously though, it prevented someone from getting into the back of my daughter's house and the police got good video (in colour and b&w) of the circa 45-50 year old man.....
Surely if the postman - or even you for that matter ;-) - can enter your property, then so can a burglar.
We were burgled many years ago now. They went round the back and removed a section of a window. Nothing much taken, as we don’t really have any valuable things. We now have all the windows with locks on, we built a wall and a gate (with padlock) between the front and back of the house and installed a burglar alarm system. No trouble since - touch wood!!
The best burglar deterrents are double locks on doors and locks on windows.

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