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My Lawn.....

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janzman | 09:33 Mon 05th Jul 2021 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
.....Despite continual and sometimes heavy rain my lawn is gradually turning from green to brown. Can anyone suggest why and more importantly what I can do to restore it. Thanks


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This link comes up with lot of suggestions.

I had a similar problem last summer the my lawn suddenly turned brown and seemed dead. I found that watering didn't help as it was too dry and it just ran off. I put seed down and it has recovered gradually.
I also note the some new turf that has been layed near to me has had mixed results. 3 houses the lawn looks wonderful but the other 3 the turf has srunk and is completely dried out and brown.
I would keep watering daily and hope you lawn recovers, which should happen. You could also go over the area with fork so the water gets to the roots, which is where it is needed.
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Thanks for the link and comprehensive answer.
Continual rain will do far better than the heavy shower type, which tends to run off too fast.
If the lawn is relatively small, you could try harvesting rain water in a water butt, so you can use the water when needed.
Avoiding mowing in the hot midday sun may also help.

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