I accidentally deleted a bookmark but it is now to be found listed as a bookmark in another bookmark and it still includes all the sites. But Cut and Paste wil not make it appear where is formerly was among my bookmarks. Can someone please list the procedure to get it back there.
click on the bookmark so the page comes up, then just bookmark it again. (If your browser objectes to bookmarking the same page twice, just delete the first one while you have the page up.)
i doubt very much the german embassy will be marking your use of commas, full stops etc. After all the staff probably wont be native english speakers themselves
Your meaning is clear and that's all that matters
a bookmark is just a link to a page. You can't put one page "inside" another. When I say folder, I mean something that looks like a little folder icon in your bookmarks list - a rectangle with a slightly raised top left hand corner, indicating a container holding many single-page links - rather than a single logo from a single page.
When I accidentally put a folder inside another folder , I can just click and drag it out again. This is on Firefox.